The nature of the discharge in men when excited

what is emitted in men when aroused

Discharge in men when excited is a normal physiological phenomenon due to the processes occurring in the organs of the reproductive system.

In medicine, the release of secretions from the urethra at the time of sexual stimulation is defined by the term libidinal urethra.

The amount of discharge can be different, as well as their nature. When an erection occurs, as a rule, a clear liquid of medium density comes out of the urethra. Its amount and duration of excretion depends on the severity of sexual arousal.

Important: discharge in men, when excited, contains active sperm (in small quantities), which, penetrating into the woman's vagina, can fertilize an egg.

Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex need to be careful in the event that a partner's pregnancy is not planned.

In some situations, the amount of discharge is too abundant and this may indicate the development of diseases of the genitourinary tract. Let's try to figure out what phenomena are considered a deviation from the norm, and what should not cause concern.

Pathological conditions

By assessing the discharge from the urethra in men, one can judge the state of their genitourinary system.

The appearance of an uncharacteristic secretion from the urethra often serves as a symptom of the development of pathological disorders. In addition, some diseases can be suspected solely on this basis, since other specific phenomena may be absent. In view of this, it is important to be attentive to any changes in the quality and quantity of secreted secretions.

Nonspecific discharge in men with excitement or at rest often indicates the development of such pathologies:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary tract caused by opportunistic microorganisms or infectious agents.
  2. Diseases that are infected through the genital tract (STD).
  3. Oncological pathologies.
  4. Complications after surgery.
  5. Consequences of trauma to the organs of the genitourinary system.
the norm and deviations of discharge in men with arousal

The secret secreted from the urethra can be scanty, appear in moderate or abundant quantities. In addition, it may contain impurities of blood or pus. The color of the liquid can also be different - transparent, yellowish, greenish, and so on. The consistency of the discharge (thick or liquid), like other characteristics, depends on the nature of the origin of the disorder and the type of pathogen. There are also factors such as the severity of the inflammatory process, the state of the immune system, the presence of concomitant diseases.

A viscous transparent discharge in men, when excited or in a calm state, may indicate such infectious pathologies: mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis. Such a pathological secret contains a large percentage of leukocytes. With a complicated course of these diseases, purulent impurities can be found in the discharge. If chlamydia develops, fluid accumulates and sticks to the head of the penis, gluing the foreskin.

Quite often, uncharacteristic discharge is the result of other infectious pathologies. We are talking about infection with candidiasis, staphylococci or streptococci, Escherichia coli and so on. Men are worried about not only strange discharge, but also other signs of damage - itching, hyperemia, swelling of the tissues of the external genital organs.

The reasons for the appearance of a pathological secret can be the following factors:

  • non-gonorrheal urethritis;
  • hematorrhea;
  • prostatorrhea;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • spermatorrhoea.

If men observe changes in the nature of the discharge from the urethra, then they should definitely seek the advice of a specialist, be examined and, if necessary, undergo appropriate treatment.

Normal states

To distinguish pathological from physiological discharge, you need to know what is considered to be the norm.

  1. Libidous urethrorrhea- that is, a secret formed under the influence of sexual stimulation.
  2. Sperm- the fluid leaving the urethra during ejaculation. Such a discharge is white, contains a high percentage of sperm and a secret of the gonads. Sperm is produced during orgasm at the end of intercourse, masturbation, or during emission.
  3. Smegma- a secret secreted by the glands located in the region of the glans penis. Smegma does not appear in men who regularly carry out hygiene procedures and monitor the cleanliness of the penis.


So, we found out what kind of discharge in men during arousal is a natural physiological phenomenon, and also figured out what should be alarming and becomes a reason for contacting a specialist.

Representatives of the stronger sex are recommended to regularly undergo preventive examinations with a urologist and are attentive to their health!